

Shoplifting is a serious and costly crime which hurts youth, their families, stores and the community. It is the most prevalent crime in the US, averaging approximately 550,000 incidents daily equaling losses of more than $35 million per day.

Today if you ask a juvenile caught shoplifting “Why did you do it?” the most frequent reply is “I don’t know” or “It’s no big deal” suggesting a lack of awareness about the crime as it relates to themselves, the victim and the community.

  • 25% of juveniles admit to having shoplifted beginning between the ages of 12 – 16.
  • 86% of youth caught shoplifting know other youth who shoplift.
  • Studies show that while a juvenile may have been caught shoplifting for the first time, it is rarely the first time they shoplifted.
  • Even after getting caught 1 in 4 youth say it will be hard for them to stop shoplifting.

Destiny Outpatient Services offers help and support to parents and families who are dealing with a shoplifting issue. Destiny provides reliable information along with easy access to youth education programs which aid parents in helping their children learn how to put shoplifting behind them forever. Shoplifting however is not just a juvenile crime. Adults shoplift as well, adding to the losses occuring in our communities.

Whether you are a youth or an adult who would like to enroll in our online Shoplifting classes, please contact us today at 602-249-6674. Our classes are recognized by the Arizona Court Systems for individuals who have to fulfill court ordered requirements.


10 Hours $ 100
26 Hours $ 280
52 Hours $ 575