Step to Get Fit Program

Get Fit

Fitness Training through a counseling center? Absolutely! We know that individuals do not see the accomplishment of behavioral health goals very quickly. This is why we have developed a Fitness Treatment Plan that supplements a behavioral health treatment plan. The Fitness Plan assesses a person where they are currently at physically and fitness goals that the person wants to accomplish are incorporated into their plan. They are assigned an Accountability Buddy (AB) that coaches them through their Fitness Plan Goals. The AB partner is an advanced peer member in the Step to Get Fit Program. AB partner go through peer coaching sessions and are taught communication skills, peer mentoring skills, motivational strategies, and safe ways to achieve health and fitness goals. When people see the result of their fitness goals they become motivated in other life areas. When this happens improvement in self-esteem, mood, and overall wellness occurs. We also see a decrease in depression, loneliness, grief, and anxiety to name a few. Adults who go through AB training also receive huge benefits by improving their assertiveness, communication, and leadership skills. Fitness Classes are held each week as well for everyone to come together and help each other with their fitness as well as their mental health goals.